Cartea Jubileelor nu este o carte din Biblie. Savanţii evrei o considerau apocrifă. Totuşi există în ea o mărturie deosebită cu privirela vechiul calendar evreiesc.
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Nu se vorbește multe despre Cartea Jubileelor și despre descoperirile eseniene. Cu toate acestea, la Qumran s-au găsit mai multe copii ale Cărții Jubileurilor decât orice altă Carte din afara Torei! Esenienii erau considerați profeți în zilele lor și veneau Cartea Jubileilor ca fiind autoritară. Deci, când Cartea Jubileurilor a avertizat că cei care urmează orice calendar lunar vor sfârși prin a sărbători Festivaluri Biblice în zilele greșite, pare într-adevăr profetică și în ceea ce privește Bisericile moderne? Dacă o vor observa corect în orice an, ar fi, prin urmare, din întâmplare, și nu de design?"
Mai jos sursa engleza
Not much is said about the Book of Jubilees and the Essene discoveries. However, more copies of the Book of Jubilees were found at Qumran than any other Book outside the Torah! The Essenes were considered Prophets in their own day, and they revered the Book of Jubilees as authoritative. So when the Book of Jubilees warned that those following any lunar calendar would end-up celebrating Biblical Festivals on the wrong days, it appears indeed Prophetic concerning modern-day Churches too? If they do Observe it correctly in any year, it would be therefore out of chance, and not design?
Let's examine the Essene Solar Calendar
Their year began on the first Wednesday AFTER the sun entered the Constellation Aries, about March 20th. Pesach was always Celebrated on a Wednesday by those Observing the Essene Solar Calendar. Also, other Biblical Holidays were on set days, such as Shavuot (Pentecost); always on a Sunday in the Third Month, and Yom Kippur; always on a Friday.
Holidays in Red
1 = Nisan Spring |
2 = Iyar
3 = Sivan
4 = Tammuz Summer |
5 = Av
6 = Elul
7 = Tishri Fall |
8 = Cheshvan
9 = Kislev
10 = Teves Winter |
11 = Shevat
12 = Adar
There are Seven Major Feasts listed. The Essene Calendar was a Solar Calendar (1QH:XII:1-10) and began on Wednesday because G-d Created the "lights in the firmament" for "signs and seasons" on the 4th Day. (Genesis 1:14,15) They also believed that the Solar Calendar was "the certain Law from the Mouth of G-d" and to be Obeyed (1QH XII,9), (1QH IV,7-12).
15th Day of the 1st month for Pesach (Passover)
15th Day of the 3rd month for Shavuot (Pentecost, Feast of Weeks, Renewal of the Covenant) (Book of Jubilees 6:1-31)
1st Day of the 7th month (also Rosh Hashanah, New Years')
10th Day of the 7th month for Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement, Sabbath of Repose)
15th Day of the 7th month for Sukkot (Tabernacles, Booths)
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